Are you interested in spending time with others in our congregation? Small group gatherings are a new opportunity to interact and build relationships for all ages that attend the Apostolic Christian Church of Roanoke. We encourage participation for people in single digits to triple digits. Sign up as an individual, couple, family, or as 2-3 friends. These gatherings will allow for “participation only” or the opportunity to participate as a host occasionally if you choose. Those who host can indicate preferences below on the size and type of group they would prefer and can choose to be as creative or as simple with hosting as they feel comfortable. A few examples would be bonfire and singing, coffee and dessert evening, have dinner together, plan a fish fry, appetizer potluck, picnic in the park, or pizza party. Gatherings will occur two times in 2023 as a way to help our church body connect and spend time together with a variety of people. If you have an interest in gathering, please fill out this form or contact Sis. Penny Maher, Jessica Beer, or Brenda Martin.